Mathematics of Information Teaching Group Publications Home

Welcome to Mathematics of Information

What is the course about?

This course focuses on the mathematical foundations needed to understand the principles governing the storage, processing, and transmission of information (on any device). It covers several branches of mathematics and their applications in data storage, communications, signal processing and security. It will allow us, for example, to better understand

Topics include:

Mathematics vs Engineering:

The course aims to make abstract and/or advanced mathematics, e.g., complex numbers and finite fields, tangible through applications in information science and technology. We will learn the basics of several branches of mathematics, e.g., probability, linear algebra, Fourier analysis. Based on each, we will develop a theory related to information, e.g., communication, privacy.

Given the history of the course, I need to explain how it balances mathematics with engineering applications. We will study both the mathematical foundations and the engineering solutions enabled by these foundations, but our focus will be on the former. Hence, while the topics are motivated by application, we will also discuss material without direct applications, with the goal of providing solid foundations for the topics we study.

Credit: XKCD

Although we are at the right end of the spectrum, what we study has many applications in electrical and computer engineering and computer science.

What is information?

Information describes the state of the world around us. This is usually in the form of identifying one state among a set of possible states.

Mathematically, we can consider a set \(\mathcal{X}\) of all possibilities and a variable \(X\) that indicates a realization (i.e., an actual occurrence). For example, for weather we may let

\(\mathcal X=\{\)☀️, ☁️, ⛅️, 🌧️, ❄️\(\}\)

and then “\(X=\) ☁️” indicates cloudy weather on a given day.

Information is closely related to uncertainty, and by extension probability.

For the following cases, describe the set of all possibilities. :trophy: (optional): Try to come up with rough estimates of the number of possibilities.
  1. a person’s DNA sequence
  2. outside temperature measured by a thermometer
  3. loudness of someone's voice at a given time instant
  4. color of a pixel in an image
  5. the contents of a page of a novel

We will study information in multiple ways:

Some applications of what we will study

The mathematical concepts have many applications in how any device that senses, transmits, or stores information works. Some of the applications are:

Reliable data storage

I have 4TB of vitally important data that I need to store reliably. I have put this data on 4 1TB hard drives. It is possible for these hard drives to fail.

i: If I have a bunch of empty drives, do you think I can do something to make sure if one drive fails, I don’t lose any data? If so, what is the smallest number of extra hard drives needed?

1   2   3   4   It's impossible  

ii: I’ve bought cheap drives, so two of them can fail at the same time. How many drives (in addition to the original 4) do you think I need so that I don’t lose data if that happens?

1   3   8   12   It's impossible  

iii: Can you guess how the answers to the two previous questions can be related to linear algebra?

Course overview

Now let’s see an overview of what we’ll see in the course. In each case, we’ll start with a question related to the applications of the mathematical topic.

Part 1: Numbers and signals

Q: The real world is, for practical purposes, analog and continuous. How is it represented on a computer, which is digital?


Part 2: Probability theory & Information

Q: The human genome is a sequence of 3 Billion bases of {A,C,G,T}. How much storage do we need to store someone’s DNA (standalone)?


Part 3: Linear algebra

Q: Hard drives, flash drives, WiFi, and cellphone signals all suffer from noise. How is it then possible to store and transmit information without errors?


Part 4: The frequency domain

Q: If we all start talking at the same time, no one will be able to understand anything. How is it possible for a large number of cell phones to communicate simultaneously?


Part 5: Number theory

Q: Can we talk privately in public?


Part 6: Boolean algebra

Q: How to compute with physics?


Some other comments:


To improve clarity, you’ll see the following environments in the notes:

These are examples and exercises. Optional exercises are indicated by (optional) or :trophy:. Sometimes a solution is available but initially, hidden. You can view it by clicking the button on the right.

This is a highlight, representing important material.

These are extra material that are not part of the course, but you are encouraged to read them.

These are HW problems. They may be included in a HW problem set posted on Collab.